If you’re thinking about replacing your windows, you’ve probably wondered exactly what are the benefits of double-glazing?
This is a sensible question to ask, and one that’s rarely answered fully. There are so many advantages, you can lose track before you’ve begun to completely appreciate the impact double-glazing can have.
To address this, we’ve put together a quick run-down on the many (sometimes underappreciated) benefits of double glazing including the insulation improvements and noise reduction qualities, to help answer the question does double glazing make a difference?
What is Double Glazing & How Does it Work?
For something that is almost standard in modern houses, it’s slightly surprising how many people don’t know how double-glazing works.
A common misconception reduces it down to the basic idea that placing two panes of glass in your windows must be better than simply having one.
But the reason why double glazing works so well is more complicated (and more impressive) than that.
Between those two panes of glass is sandwiched a layer of inert gas. An inert gas is far less conductive than regular air. This means it allows less heat to transfer from inside the window to the outside. If you’d like to learn more about inert gases in double glazing, our handy guide will help.
Does Double Glazing Reduce Noise?
Double glazing is usually associated with keeping heat in. Not a lot of people think to ask ‘can double glazing reduce noise?’ as well.
This is something of a shame because if you’re struggling with traffic noise invading your home, double glazing could be a key weapon to tackle it. In the best-case scenario, double glazing could provide up to a 50% reduction in external noise being heard inside your home.
How does double glazing reduce noise?
That extra layer of glass and insulating air doesn’t just slow down any hot air as it tries to escape. It also creates an extra barrier to prevent noise from getting in. Sound won’t travel as clearly through that second pane of glass.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that the answer to the question ‘is double glazing soundproof?’ is always going to be yes. But, if you’re simply looking to minimise the impact of the outside world and keep your home a cosy, comfortable sanctuary space, double glazing is the answer.
Does Double Glazing Stop Condensation?
Another question that is frequently forgotten by anyone contemplating replacing their windows is ‘will new double-glazing stop condensation on the windows?’. Or, in the very least ‘will new double glazing reduce condensation?’
This is another ‘yes!’ for double glazing: it can significantly reduce the condensation you experience inside your home.
Condensation is a complicated problem, affected by things as varied as the age of your home, how it’s built and even how you use it. Condensation is caused when warm, moist air hits a cold surface (say, a pane of glass exposed to the outside elements). The rapid cooling of the air causes water droplets to form.
Thanks to the extra layers, the interior pane of a double-glazed window stays a lot warmer than a single pane would. The air doesn’t cool as fast or as far, and less moisture is released.
Will double glazing stop mould?
Condensation doesn’t just look unappealing – it can cause black mould to grow inside your home, too. And black mould, in turn, isn’t just unpleasant to look at – it could cause you or your family to become ill!
If you’re asking can double glazing stop condensation – the answer is not entirely. If there’s a lot of moisture in your home, or a severe lack of ventilation, condensation may still form. However, you may see enough of a reduction to prevent mould growing. It should certainly make the condition more manageable.
Does Double Glazing Save Energy?
There is one question that anyone considering replacing their windows should already know the answer to. That being ‘does double glazing save on heating?’.
Afterall, no one wants to be wasting money on unnecessarily high heating bills. This is why so many people turn to double glazing in the first place, because it is so much more energy efficient.
How does double glazing reduce heat loss?
We’ve already mentioned the main mechanics of how double glazing reduces heat loss. The extra barrier layer of inert gas slows the travel of heat both into the house and out of it. Then there’s that second layer of glass.
But there’s also another often-overlooked aspect of double glazing to be considered: those fresh new window frames!
A well-fitting window frame, with a secure seal holding the pane in place, won’t be letting any warm air wiggle out and escape around its edges. It won’t be letting any cold air seep in either. This can effectively eliminate drafts around your windows. Another win for energy efficiency.
Will Double Glazing Add Value?
There is of course one last benefit any homeowner should consider before improving their home, and updating your windows is no exception: does double glazing increase property value?
Thanks to all the benefits listed above, updating your windows to modern double glazing will increase the purchase appeal of your home and add to its value.
With so many benefits to double glazing, it’s hardly surprising this is one of the most common home improvements people invest in. From the more obvious energy saving aspects, to minimising condensation, we may have even highlighted a few here that you’d never thought of!